

English opens exciting new doors!

When I first arrived in Japan I could not understand or speak any Japanese. I started studying Japanese last year. The more I learn, the more interesting and exciting life has become! Studying a new language opens up many new possibilities. English is a wonderful language to learn as it is spoken in many countries around the world, it enables us to communicate and make new friends. Let’s help you open some exciting new doors at English Club!


私が初めて日本に来たとき、まったく日本語が分かりませんでした。 私は去年、日本語の勉強を始めました。 学べば学ぶほど、人生が楽しく刺激的なものになっていきました! 新しい言語を学ぶことは多くの可能性を広げてくれます。 英語は世界の多くの国で話されており、新しい友達を作ったり、彼らと意思疎通ができる素晴らしい言語です。



01 Your current hobby.(マイブームは?)
Computer game programming
02 Your favorite country / region.(好きな国/地域は?)
03 Your favorite Japanese food.(好きな日本の食べ物は?)
Miso soup(味噌汁)
04 Your dream when you were a child.(子供の頃の夢は?)
Scientist / Inventor(科学者/発明家)
05 What made you interested in Japan ?(日本に興味をもったキッカケは?)
From a young age, I have been interested in studying and taking on challenging tasks. When I first saw Kanji, I was intrigued.