
Change of pace
For me, I don’t like driving, so being in Japan is so convenient. Taking a train is easy and nice. It is my third time living in Japan, so I am not surprised by much. Learning a new language is a great way to experience new cultures and to open more doors in life.
- 01 Your current hobby.(マイブームは?)
- Making PC, cooking, Magic the gathering(card game), PC games, reading.(PCを作ること、料理、マジック・ザ・ギャザリング(カードゲーム)、PCゲーム、読書)
- 02 Your favorite country / region.(好きな国/地域は?)
- The countryside(田舎)
- 03 Your favorite Japanese food.(好きな日本の食べ物は?)
- Curry, Yakisoba(カレー、焼きそば)
- 04 Your dream when you were a child.(子供の頃の夢は?)
- Paleontologist(古生物学者)
- 05 What made you interested in Japan ?(日本に興味をもったキッカケは?)
- It started with videogames, music, art culture and then history. Eventually I studied in Japan and I have loved living here ever since.